Thoughts on Retail Space V

SHOPPING AS AN EVENT As already addressed in our previous articles, the act of shopping, is drifting to a more complex experience then in the previous years. Surprise effect and spontaneity seem to have become crucial to the success of retail. Something part of the new Pop-Up culture, we could say. It makes sense toContinueContinue reading “Thoughts on Retail Space V”

Thoughts On Retail Space IV

BUILDING NEW STRATEGIES FOR RETAIL Building New Strategies – link Following our previous analysis, we believe that we can systematize the most important steps to be taken when moving forward with an investment for a new project, be it a new construction or refurbishment: I – WHERE TO INVEST? Cities are ever changing urban systems.ContinueContinue reading “Thoughts On Retail Space IV”

Thoughts on Retail Space II

DIRECTIONS FOR RETAIL The new online tools are having a big impact on the consumption habits of customers, with more visibility within the younger generations. The selling strategies are also suffering major changes, using different media channels and supports which rely more on social media then in traditional advertisement. In order to grasp the newContinueContinue reading “Thoughts on Retail Space II”