Humanity has been put through several tests during the third decade of the XXI century. Once we were almost out of the pandemic nightmare, a maniac leader starts a war taking advantage of the worlds’ numb state of mind. Every one was caught on its back foot…This dreadful event, reminds us that History is lessContinueContinue reading “HAPPY 2023. STAY STRONG. STAY KOLLECTIVE”

Abandoned Buildings of Istanbul – Data Gathering – The Çiftçi Towers

On October 16, 2020, we published an article of this same series, dedicated to what we believe are the most emblematic and best known of all the Abandoned Buildings of Istanbul: the TAT Towers. What might seem surreal to many is that more than 20 years after those twin towers were left abandoned, another pair,ContinueContinue reading “Abandoned Buildings of Istanbul – Data Gathering – The Çiftçi Towers”

Digital Sketches

Smart phones, sometimes, just make people stupid. Lisbon A gateway to parallel realities, they can subtract us from the places we are, distance us from the people we are close to and even from whom we are. Beijing Beijing But the device became an incredible tool to capture what is around. With more and moreContinueContinue reading “Digital Sketches”

Abandoned Buildings of Istanbul – Data Gathering – The Three Acarkent Towers

The Acarkent Condo is located in the Beykoz Municipality, one of the thirty nine that integrate the Greater Istanbul Region. With a perimeter of around 8km and an area covering approximately 2,5km2, it’s a gigantic private refuge for some of the wealthy people in Istanbul.    Acarkent, a city within the city. Its urban postulateContinueContinue reading “Abandoned Buildings of Istanbul – Data Gathering – The Three Acarkent Towers”

The Voiceless Istanbul Recyclers

It’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it It’s not uncommon to see flocks of stray dogs in the streets of Istanbul. They are normally peaceful and friendly towards most people, unless you pass by running, riding a bike or if you are one of the thousands of toplayıcılar – which means collectors –ContinueContinue reading “The Voiceless Istanbul Recyclers”

Power to the User!

Form follows function ‘’Form (ever) follows function’’ is a famous a motto attributed to the American architect Louis Sullivan who lived until 1924. Nonetheless, the architectural concepts behind this short sentence were considered gospel truth until the second half of the XX century and many designers still follow some of its principles today. The coreContinueContinue reading “Power to the User!”

Abandoned Buildings of Istanbul – Data Gathering – Hotel Building in Şişhane

This small abandoned building would not have catched our attention if it wasn’t for its unique location. Şişhane is a small neighborhood located in the heart of Istanbul. If one arrives in Istanbul and is taken directly to Şişhane, one might believe he/she is in any european city. The oppulence and beauty of its earlyContinueContinue reading “Abandoned Buildings of Istanbul – Data Gathering – Hotel Building in Şişhane”

Istanbul Life Interview

Don’t let it rot. Save it. By Burak Kuru You have been living in Istanbul for a while, for about 5 years, what was your reason for coming to Istanbul? Can you give us some information about yourself? Actually, it is now more than 6 years since I came to Istanbul in the summer ofContinueContinue reading “Istanbul Life Interview”

The SBC Project – A Never Ending Story

The Soundtrack for Big Cities project took off more than one week ago and it was incredible to observe our readers enthusiasm in suggesting more and more tunes for big or small, real or imagined cities. The virtual limits of the large cities we first foresaw expanded to whole regions but also focused in smallContinueContinue reading “The SBC Project – A Never Ending Story”